Saturday, November 24, 2007

how i spent thanksgiving...

doing dishes of course(;

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

do you know?

Do you know what it feels like loving someone

that's in a rush to throw you away.


be nice to frogs...

be nice to frogs, by the way.

they are your friands in the garden.

they eat the beastly slugs and never

harm your flowers.

Roald Dahl.



Jealous fool...(:

just another girls night out..(:

Flowers of Damascus...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


An uncontrollable

Al Fatih...

It is he who from on high has bestowed inner peace upon the hearts of the believers, so that seeing that God's are all forces of the heavens and the earth and that God is all knowing, truly wise – they might grow yet more firm in their faith;

My hobby

When you spit from the twenty sixth floor
And it floats on the breeze to the ground
Does it fall upon hats
Or on white Persian cats
Or on heads, with a pitty-pat sound?
I used to think life as a bore
But I don’t feel that way anymore
As I count up the hits
As I smile as I sit
As I spit from the twenty sixth floor

Shel Silverstein


لماذا يجري الدم في عروقي
بعد أن تجمد فلبي؟
و الحزن يمزق بي
فلماذا الابتسامة على وجه
أتكلم بثقة
فلماذا لا أصدق ما أقول؟؟


اليوم حدث حادث غريب
تخيلو أنني و بعد غياب طوووويل
ذهبت إلى جامعتي!!!
نعم!!و بمحض((تقريبا)) إرادتي
و لهذا الحديث حكاية....و هذه هية
في صباح هذا اليوم الكئيب
استيقظت على أصوات التهديد و الوعيد
بلقتل و الضرب و التأليع إلى الطريق
مستغربة و نصف نائمة سألت لما كل هذا؟!
قالت أختي إنني أحاول أن أوقظك منذ أكثر من ساعة
ثم و كأنني اقترفت جريمة شنعاء
استئنفت حديثها بصوت يسمع الصماء
فقمت متثائبة من سريري
علها تهدء و تدعني أذهب في سبيلي
ثم و بسرعة خيالية لبست ثيابي
فصديقتي قادمة بعد قليلِ
و إن تأخرت عليها نصف دقيقة
ستسأنف حديث أختي الرقيقة
و لم أتأخر بفضل ربي
حتى انها قد وصلت بعدي
ثم اسرعنا أنا و اياها إلى توقيف سيارة أجرة
سائلين الله ان لا يغالي في الأجرة
و أخبرناه اننا ذاهبون إلى الجحيم
عفوا عفوا الجامعة و ربنا بنا عليم
فبادر و بكل حذر السائق الكريم
بلمشي بلسيارة على المئتن و الأربعين
فتشهدت شهادتي التوحيد
و هممت بلاتصل و بتوديع كل حبيب و فريب
غير أنه بعد قليل
وجدت و لدهشتي اننا قد وصلنا دون حادث مميت
و يبدو ان السائق حنك و ذكي
فبعد هذه التجربة لم أعد أهتم بشيئ مادي
فلم أتوانى عندما طلب مني سعر الخيالي
أن أعطيه كل ما يريد
ثم دخلنا الأبواب انتظرو هل هذا معقول؟
وكأنني سمعت صوتا يقول..
أدخلو أبواب الجامعة خالدين
((ليس معاذ الله تحرف على الآية
إنما أروي لكم حكاية))
غير أنني أرجح أن تكون هذه مخيلتي
فأشك أن يكون مالك أو عزرائيل في الجامعة زملائي
أؤكد لكم أنني كنت سأنتبه لو كان هنالك في القاعة طالب مجنح
غير أن صديقتي ترجح
أنه لو كانت الفيلة و الزرافات تحضر لم أكن سألمح
المهم... أنني مسرعة دعوت ربي أن لا يخلدني فيها
و يعنني أن أتخرج بعد سنين قليلة
ثم و كأنها إشارة إلى اجابة دعائي
بدءت السماء تمطر ""يا لفرحتي""
فعاهدت نفسي أنه بعد ثلاثة سنين
سأكون خريجة ((و الله بيعين))
وهذه هي الحكاية و إن لم تعجبكم
فلصراحة..هذه مشكلتكم



Sunday, November 18, 2007


One night a man was crying
Allah! Allah!
His lips grew sweet with the praising,
Until a cynic said,
So! I heard you
Calling out, but have you ever
Gotten any response?
The man had no answer to that
He quit praying and fell into a confused sleep
He dreamed he saw khidar the guide of souls
In a thick green foliage
Why did you stop praising?
Because I never heard anything back
This longing
You express is the return of the message
The grief you cry out from draws you towards union
Your pure sadness
That wants help
Is the secret cup
Listen to the moan of a dog for its master
That whining is the connection
There are love dogs
No one knows the names of
Give your life
Be one of them.
Al Rumi


the bride!(;

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The color red…

I think that love comes to you as a sudden understanding, an amazing discovery, an overwhelming feeling of grace…
I believe that that love is like a man born blind suddenly, miraculously understanding the color red
That feeling that causes one to fight to die and to live for what one loves …
The feeling… the power…the unexplainable force…
And I believe that I am so lucky… No, no so blessed…
For I feel like a blind man who has not just understood red but green and purple and blue and is slowly coming to know the harmony, the beauty that creates a rainbow


something special...

Friday, November 16, 2007

the Zahir...

I went to the train station today and learned that the distance between riel road tracks is always 143.5 centimeters why this absurd measurement I asked my girl friend to find out and this is what she discovered when they built the first train carriages they used the same tools as they had for building horse drawn carriages and why that distance between the wheels on carriages because that was the width of the old roods along witch the carriages had to travel and who decided that the roads should be that width well suddenly we are lunged back into the distance past it was the Romans the first great road builders and why because there war chariots were pulled by two horses and where place side by side the horses they used at the time took up 143.5 centimeters…
Think of your neighbors show them that your happy eat roast beef on Sunday watch television help the community think of the society dress in such a way that every one knows your in perfect harmony never glance to the side someone may be watching and that could bring temptation it could mean divorce crises depression smile in all the photos put the photos in the living room so that every one can see them cut the grass practice a sport -oh yes you must practice a sport in order to stay frozen in time when sport isn't enough have plastic surgery. But never forget these rules were established long ago and must be respected. Who established these rules? That doesn't matter. Don't question them, because they will always apply, even if you don't agree with them.


of course a WONDERFUL family outing were we are reminded once again why we dont do this so often (:



(deema thinkin)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

pull me in!!

You hold me
At the end of your string
You push away
And pull back in
I grasp at air
Once and again
Trying to hold on
Hoping to be pulled in
I steal your gleam
Hide it away
So well I lose it
Find it in a stolen dream
I gather ashes
Sculpt them into domes
Worship at the alter
Ends justify means?
You are the moon
And you pull in... Push away
The salty water that runs
Through my veins
You call, I come
But you call
Do you need?
You turn away… in pain
Wrong? Right?
The rain drop seduced the sea
The sea called
And took it in
And I hold you
At the end of my string
I push away
And pull back in

Dedicated… to she who entered my well controlled field and scattered daisies

What I can...What I can't

For you I would take on
The armies of the Mongols and the Crusades
Yet I cannot seem to give you
An hour of my day
I tipped my cup into your wine
And as drunken as I am
I cannot seem to give you
A moment of my time
I see your many lovers
Around your door flock
Always admitted
Do you open your door to those
Who do not knock?
Branded I am by your mark
Your name engraved on my very skin
And I fear I flaunt what I don’t carry within
Yes I love you
I love you once and again
I swear I would die for you
Why is it though that for you I cannot live???